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A wholistic look at all things Jesus.
Storyverse Institute is an all-inclusive program designed to help people fall more in love with Jesus while getting equipped for a life-long journey with Jesus.
What to Expect
In this ten unit course, you will go deep into the story of Scripture, theology, soul care, and ministry practices. Each unit has multiple subsections filled with videos, assignments, and assessments.
Join a cohort or start when you like and go at your pace.
What to expectOnce you begin you will get access to our online course, giving you access to over 100 videos covering everything listed below. If in a cohort, you will be placed with your group with a leader from our team. If working through as an individual, you can begin any time. You will receive your books in the mail. You should expect the weekly time commitment of 5-7 hours for videos, reading, reflection, and response. We recommend carving out an hour each day for these assignments. If in a cohort, you will meet monthly over zoom or in-person with guided questions, prompts, and further exercises. There will also be a oral exams at the end of each semester covering the material you learned throughout the program and our God, ministry, life assessment.
The Story of the Old TestamentMove through the biblical narrative focusing on the historical books of the Old Testament. Survey of prophets and wisdom literature seeing how they fit into the larger narrative. Learn keywords and short outlines of each section and book in the Old Testament. Work through major movements in order to see the story of Scripture the way Jesus and the original audience experienced it.
The Story of the New TestamentExperience an in-depth look at the gospel accounts and the life of Christ. Deep dive into the book of Romans understanding its theology and themes. Work through a survey of the New Testament letters and where they fit in the story of Scripture. Understand Revelation in light of the entire biblical narrative.
Theology and ApologeticsUnderstand and articulate core Christian doctrine including: God, God’s Word, God’s Creation, God’s Son, God’s Spirit, God’s Church, God’s Salvation, God’s Future. Learn simple ways to share complex theological ideas in a conversational manner. Work through core convictions of the faith coming to your own convictions. Memorize key passage.
Soul Care, Ministry, and PracticeReorienting yourself back to God Develop the habits of soul care practices Learning God's Word Teaching God's Word Shepherding and counseling with God's Word Leading with God's Word Living in light of God's Word
What if cost is still an issue?The heart of this ministry is to make more in-depth training accessible to as many people as possible. Although our price is only a small fraction of what a seminary would be, we understand that this still may be out of reach for some people. If cost is an issue, please contact us directly so we can see if there is anything we can do to help.
How long is this program?Storyverse Institute is a 10 unit program. Each unit takes roughly a month to complete (some longer, some shorter). Our cohorts are 10 months long with a break between the Old and New Testament. If you go through the program individually, you can go at your own speed with the recommended pace of 8 months to a year. Those going through the program individually may choose to take longer, but should be careful to not take too long and hinder the effectiveness of the course.
When does the Cohort start and meet?Our Cohort starts the second week of August and goes through the second week of May. We meet online every other Sunday evening from 7:30-8:30pm. The time, frequency, and day was selected with those with midweek commitments, kids, and busy schedules in mind.
We understand that cost matters
This ministry was launched with people in mind. People who desired to go deeper with God, but could not afford (in time and cost) to attend formal seminary training. Our price represents our heart to make this training available to as many people as possible.
Average Cost of Seminary Per Person
$7,500 per semester | $50,000-75,000 total cost
Our Cost | Beta
Cohort Currently Closed
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